We believe that it is important for the patients and their families to understand as much as possible about their bodies, in health and in disease. We make a special effort to educate you about your medical condition, diagnostic tests, medications, and treatments. If you do not understand something, please ask us to explain it more.
If you have a medical question or a problem that you wish to call us about, your call may be referred to the nurse. If she is unable to handle the question, she will relay the message to the doctor and the doctor will return your call. Remember that most illnesses cannot be treated by phone unless the doctor has recently evaluated your condition. Usually an office visit is required so that the doctor can evaluate the problem.
Medical problems can occur at any time. If you fmd it necessary to contact the doctor after office hours, the answering service will forward messages to the physician on call. Your call will be returned at the earliest opportunity. Please reserve this for urgent use only.
5010 Mile Stretch Dr. Holiday, FL. 34690
(727) 943-9080